Uncle Joe, I wanna watch Ben Ten, no, no news!” that my five year old nephew as he screams and throws a fits after I have changed the channel from his beloved Cartoon Network to BBC.

Nowadays our kids just worship cartoons and their characters; they will probably sulk and refuse to eat if they are allowed to watch their favorite shows. Yes for parents too busy or, too tired after a hard day’s work, to play or have some time interact with their kids, installing DSTV and allowing it to be a de facto babysitter may seem like the best solution, since kids stay indoors and therefore stay safe and clean, but I have watched many of these cartoon shows and the content of some of them makes me wonder are these really catered for children.

I fear that our kids are getting psychologically scared. It’s disturbing to see the amount of graphic violence some of these cartoons depict, there is so make rage, hatred, unhealthy competiveness, and some even more disturbingly have elements of Satanism.
Yes call me old fashioned, but what happened to our kids growing up listening to and reading stories that have moral and cultural value, like the story of the Rabbit and the Hare.

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