There is an age-old saying ‘there are plenty more fish in the sea’ and let’s face it, it is definitely the last thing you want to hear when going through a breakup that is not wanted. But as with all of these old sayings, it is right. The reason you are breaking up may be complicated, it may not make sense to you, or it may be plain and simple, but whatever it is, you cannot ignore the fact that sometimes things don’t work out and the sooner you accept this the sooner you can move forward with your life.

The Method To The Madness

If you are always the person who is desperately thinking of ways “how to get my ex back quick” then you need to take note. You are better off out of there. Now it is easy to look back at relationships with a distorted view and see only the good things, but honestly, you have to be practical about this. There is no point in clinging onto something that just isn’t meant to be. I always used to be thinking about how to get my ex back until I realized that it was my life I wanted back most of all.

We all become dependent on our partners and it can be a scary thing to think of life without them, but this does not mean that it is not the right thing. My sister is actually a great example of this. She was so obsessed about getting back with her ex, that she spend a whole year trying, and in that time she missed out on another guy who was desperate to be with her. At the time, she only had eyes for her ex, and now she is lonely and regrets missing out on the other guy.

So next time you are thinking “how can I get my ex back” make sure it is definitely the right thing for you.

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