Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Welfare has revealed that it only has two months’ supply of anti-retroviral drugs left countrywide and is appealing to the Global Fund for assistance to avert a possible catastrophe.

Aids and TB director in the ministry, Owen Mugurungi, told the Parliamentary Thematic Committee on HIV and Aids chaired by Lupane Senator Dalumuzi Khumalo that last year the Global Fund delayed the release of funds for the procurement of drugs.

“Last year the Global Fund delayed the release of funds for drugs and by the end of last year we had finished the first round of the first phase of our stock. We then had to take the buffer stock which we usually keep for emergencies to give our patients,” said Mugurungi.

“The buffer stock was low and the frequency of giving the medication to patients was rationed. As for this year, we have got a supply of drugs for two months at the moment. We are still waiting for the Global Fund to act.”

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