One of the Presidential Candidate in the May 20 tripartite election, Friday Jumbe, President of New Labor Party (NLP) has announced the dissolution of his party and he has retired from front-line politics.

Jumbe disclosed this in an interview with the press on Tuesday.

In his speech, Jumbe said National Executive Committee of the now defunct party met Tuesday morningand made a resolution to de-register the party.

“It means, New Labor Party is no longer there, we have seen that what Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government is implementing is the same New Labor Party could have done if voted into power, so why having this party?” asked Jumbe.

He added that he has realised that their manifestos were alike after observing the performance of the ruling party within 100 days in office.

He said while the party’s constitution empowers its national conference to dissolve the party,the national executive committee too has similar powers.

Meanwhile Jumbe has urged his followers to support the ruling DPP.

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