New Labour Party (NLP) National Executive Committee (NEC) headed by the party Vice President Sam Mpasu has rebuffed former Party President’s directive that the party has been dissolved and all party followers should support the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Friday Jumbe made the announcement on Tuesday September 9, 2014 through a Press conference, saying the decision to dissolve the party was agreed during a NEC meeting.

Reacting through a press statement, Mpasu who is the acting President, Joseph Kubwalo and Alex Solanke said they strongly dispute the move.

“The NEC condemned and rejected the public announcement made by the Party’s President Hon Friday Jumbe on Tuesday the 9th September 2014 in which he purported to have dissolved the New Labour Party.

“The NEC noted, with dismay, that Hon Friday Jumbe had discussed and agreed with only two members of NEC on this very important issue and went ahead to make the public announcement”, reads in part the statement.

The statement continue to read: “The NEC wishes to assure all stakeholders in the National politics of Malawi, namely the Registrar of Political Parties, the Malawi Electoral Commission, all levels of Judiciary, the Malawi National Assembly, the Centre for Multiparty Democracy, the Civil Society Organizations, the Press, the Donor community and all Malawians in general, that the New Labour Party is still in existence and has not been dissolved”.

The party further says it regrets the inconveniences caused by the decision of Hon Friday Jumbe and wishes to announce that it has accepted the constructive resignation of Hon Friday Jumbe; for he cannot belong to, or serve, a political party which he purportedly dissolved without consulting the members of the NEC, Regional committees, District committees, Area Committees and other members of the party.

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