Reverend Zacc Kawalala has backed President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika recent scoffing remarks directed on Nigerian prophet TB Joshua, labeling him as fake prophet.

Mutharika told TB Joshua on Saturday when he was laying a foundation stone for Dae Yang Lukes premises in Lilongwe that this time his prophecy of him dying as it was the case in 2012 when the prophet prophesized of the death President Professor Bingu wa Mutharika will not come to pass.

The President also labeled TB Joshua as a fake prophe, saying he raises money through “false” prophecies.

“Let me tell TB Joshua and your sisters (, you will fail. What you did in 2012, ( accurately prophesying the death of Bingu wa Mutharika), will not happen [this time around],” he said.

Mutharika’s statement attracted countrywide condemnations with others accusing him of not understanding the prophecy, saying the prophet did not mention a specific leader or nation.

Speaking in an interview with the press, Kawalala backed Mutharika saying there was no need to fault President Peter Mutharika on his stand against Nigeria’s TB Joshua.

“I don’t think people should make a big issue out of this matter because it’s all based on an individual. When a prophet told King Hezekiah that he would die if he does not put his house in order, all what Hezekiah did was to put his house in order and he lived long. It was his own reaction to the prophesy. So once a prophesy comes, a person can respond or react in his own way. So for me, it’s not here nor there-let’s leave it to the president to decide on how he wants to respond.

“If he believes TB Joshua is not a prophet, he will respond in that way, and no one can force him to respond contrary to his conviction,” said Kawalala.

Meanwhile debate continues on Mutharika’s attack on Nigerian prophet.

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