In a bid to sensitize the public about the evils of examination fraud, the Malawi Nation Examination Board (MANEB) is on an Anti Exam Cheating Campaign across the country.

MANEB Public Relations Officer (PRO), Simeon Maganga, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Tuesday that the campaign is also acting as a platform for the board to connect with its stakeholders mainly students and teachers on how best the vice can be eradicated.

“We realized that there are many people out there lacking very crucial information on national examinations due to lack of forums. This is why we deliberately bring MANEB closer to its main stakeholders thus students and teachers for a free discussion on addressing national examination issues,” said Maganga.

Maganga said the campaign also helps the public to understand any new developments in the administration of national examinations as well as understanding how MANEB operates which in turn enables the public to appreciate MANEB’s challenges and how to overcome them.

“We have had a minimum of 5 schools and a maximum of 15 schools, depending on how close or far the schools are in that particular area. We are working hand in hand with District Education Managers’ offices in identifying central venues for our campaigns. Then we expect candidates and teachers from the surrounding schools both primary and secondary to patronize the campaign,” highlighted Maganga.

The campaign comprises a display of activities by candidates from various schools such as poems, songs, traditional dances and comedies among others before a play by MANEB drama group.

Moreover, according to Maganga, they are travelling with musician Phungu Joseph Nkasa who is performing a special song, reminding candidates of the need to refrain from cheating.

So far, the board has visited Mangochi, Salima, Nkhotakota, Mzuzu, Karonga, Chitipa, Mzimba, Mchinji, Lilongwe Phalombe, Zomba, Thyolo and Blantyre
“We appreciate the support we are getting from various stakeholders in fighting against exam malpractices. We believe that someday, this could be history,” he added.

The Anti Exam Cheating campaign started two weeks ago and will finish on Wednesday.