Being one of the most used messaging platforms worldwide, WhatsApp boasts of over 2 billion users. Although the application, which is now owned by Facebook has made significant strides in making sure that user privacy is respected,  there are a few complications that some users experience with regards to this. Worse off, with the emergence of knock-off versions of WhatsApp, like WhatsApp Gb, more than ever, privacy seems to be under threat.

How then do you know that someone is stalking you? The answer, although it comes as a huge blow to many users, is that you can’t. At least for now. However, don’t lose hope yet, there a few signs that show you someone is stalking you.

According to information gathered by WhatsApp tips and downloads from Daily Excelsior, there are five crucial signs which you need to know if someone is stalking you.

Read some of the signs below.

  • The person is constantly online when you are online as well.
  • The person sends you a message the moment you go online.
  • The person consistently notices and comments on changes in your status updates
  • The person consistently notices and comments on changes in your profile picture.
  • The tick sign immediately turns blue after you send that person a message.
  • The person is the first to view your status updates

With that said, you might need to know how to strictly observe the above-mentioned tips to be able to catch a stalker. Although its apparently impossible to pinpoint who viewed your profile picture, what’s possible is that, you can be able to see who viewed your WhatsApp status and you can control who can contact you on WhatsApp.

1. How to see who has viewed your WhatsApp status

Viewing who has seen your WhatsApp status is most definitely an easy task to accomplish. This can be easily done by just turning on your receipts.

  • Go to your ‘Privacy Settings’ by going to your ‘Settings’ tab.
  • Go to the bottom of the page and click ‘Read receipts.’

After turning on ‘Read receipts’ both you and the other person who has turned on receipts will be able to see each other’s WhatsApp story. This can be handy if you are worried about a stalker because if the other person has their read receipts on you can see how often they are looking at your story.

2. How to control who can contact you on WhatsApp

The basic way to control being contacted on WhatsApp is to keep your phone number private. If someone you don’t want to be contacted by gets your phone number somehow, you can block them. It’s straightforward and works right away.

  • Open the profile of the person you want to block.
  • Tap ‘Block’ and ‘Report Contact.’
  • Confirm the block

3. How to see who frequently checks your WhatsApp last seen

The only way that you can know if someone frequently visits your WhatsApp profile and checks your last seen, is by using modified WhatsApp version, WhatsApp+. The application allows users to view how often their contacts visit their profile. The WhatsApp+ feature lets you get a pop-up that gives a notification saying your friend is online and if they’ve seen your profile in the last 30 minutes.  Sounds cool right?

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