Monday, June 17, 2024

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Zeze Winter Party

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:00:00 UTC @ Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa - Zeze and Jetu Will be performing Live for "Zeze Winter Party" in three shows with other supporting artists. • 21st June: Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa • 22nd June: Hillside Lodge, ... More Info
Quest Mchinji Studown

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:00:00 UTC @ Santa Claire Gardens - Msilikali is bringing Quest in Mchinji at Santa Claire Garden for Mchinji Shutdown music show on 29 june 2024. the show will start from 1PM till you say fine, Quest will be performing l... More Info

Dying Buffalo Severely Injures Hunter In Final Act Of Revenge

A buffalo drawing its last breaths of life was able to severely injure a hunter by goring him twice before dying, leaving him hospitalized.

According to reports, Australian hunter Chris Mcsherry came across the buffalo while bow hunting in Port Bradshaw. He shot two arrows at the beast in hopes of taking it down, only for it to escape the scene.

Then Mcsherry and a friend of his tracked the buffalo by following its blood trail and eventually found it “in a thick piece of bush”.

In a social media post, the hunter explained how his friend thot the animal with a “couple more bolts” in order to finish it off.

But the buffalo was not done yet.

It charged Mcsherry and injured him two times before collapsing and dying, leaving the man with two large and horrifying wounds on his leg and his behind.

The man was inflicted what he described as “decent wounds” in the battle. He was taken to Darwin hospital, where he went through two surgeries for his wounds. He would likely need skin grafts in the near future.

Elenie Bromot, his partner, made a social media post, reading:

“Just wanted to give everyone an update, Chris Mcsherry is doing fine and is having surgery as we speak, thank you to everyone that has offered support to me and the girls and Ty, I am very grateful means a lot, and thank you to everyone thats has gone to see if he is ok in Darwin hospital, i really appreciate you all as i can not be there with him xoxo hopefully is home soon, will keep you updated [sic].”

Mcsherry said:

“Buff is dead I’m alive (this time) and hope to be back with my family and friends soon thanks for all the well wishes on other posts I appreciate the love and support and will live to HUNT another day.”


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Mc Noel Kasinja
Mc Noel Kasinja
A writer,Analyst and Music Promoter. Email:


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