A Kenyan morgue attendant has left social media users in shock after admitting that he has been sleeping with dead bodies for more than 10 years now.

The 45-year old who didn’t want his name revealed said, that he has done it many times claiming that many women avoid him due to the nature of his job.”It’s not against the job that I am doing.

“Before you do the mortuary work, they will teach you all those things. If you have to bath a dead body, you will lift the woman’s leg up and wash the private parts, ” he said.

“I am careful not to ejaculate inside the dead women B’coz I fear that they could get pregnant in after world and their spirits will haunt me! ” he added.

Many have condemned this act claiming that the 45 year old might be having mental condition and should visit a medical facility to be checked.

This has shocked people who have urged that the man be checked as he could be mentally ill.


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