In a shocking development,  ten kids broke into a bar in Hwange and stole beer worth $2 500. It is alleged that the boys whose age range from four to ten years went on a drinking spree and distributed some of the beer they stole to some members in the community.

The Publication has established that the kids reportedly entered Jabulani Beer-hall at Number One suburb, through a drainage pipe at the back of the premises on Monday morning.

lt is purported that three children who were the ringleaders are the ones who broke into the bar, stole different kinds of liquor which they drank, and distributed some of the liquor.

One of the parents whose name was withheld to protect the identity of the juvenile said that he was shocked when he was he notified about what had transpired.

“I was at work when I received a phone call stating that some children including my son had broken into Jabulani Beer-hall.”

“They allegedly used the drainage pipe to enter the closed beer-hall and surprisingly consumed beer worth $2 500,” he said.

Empty bottles of cane spirit were found on the scene. He said that he still can’t believe these minor kids could and were already consuming alcohol.

“As parents, we wondered how children could consume such alcohol without getting drunk. There are suspicions that some members of the community took advantage and looted the beer after the incident,” he said.

The three ring leaders were taken to the police station together with their parents and were adjured to pay for the liquor they stole.

“What is of concern is that three parents whose children were ring leaders were made to pay the $2 500 for an offense committed by minors who at law cannot be charged. While we are concerned as parents about this incident, we are also equally worried about how it was handled because there was no justice by making parents pay,” he added.

Councillor Fani Chirwa in whose ward the incident took place, argued that the incident shows that parents are not monitoring their children as they ought to.

“This is a confusing incident because it’s as if we are failing as parents to keep our children safe at home not only from coronavirus but from various kinds of abuse including substance abuse. Let’s try to keep our children at home as much as possible especially given these Covid-19 times. Kids are safer at home because outside they get influenced into various misdemeanors. We have to help each other as parents and community to maintain order and ensure a safer environment for our children,” said Councillor Chirwa.

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