All is set for the Mega rally which will take place on Sunday at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre, according to the former Ruling Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP).

DPP leader, former President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, will attend the rally together with UDF President Hon. Atupele Muluzi.

Addressing the Media in Blantyre, Spokesperson for DPP Honourable Shadreck Namalomba, MP said DPP and UDF have seen it important to speak to Malawians on the current economic situation and they want to challenge the Malawi Congress Party Government to walk the talk in terms of campaign promises.

“The rally is aimed at comforting Malawians who are going through economic challenges under the Tonse administration.

“The two-party presidents are going to challenge the unavailability of decisive leadership which is lacking in the Tonse Government. Former President Professor Peter Mutharika will also school the Tonse Government on how to manage the economy in this time of the pandemic in which a lot of people are experiencing and suffering from the high cost of living,” said Namalomba.

Namalomba urged members of the Democratic Progressive Party and everyone who is attending the DPP-UDF mega rally to observe COVID measures.

“The organizing committee of the Njamba mega rally has procured 10,000 face masks and 10,000 hand sanitizers which will be distributed on the day. So we will observe the covid-19 prevention measures and am urging all DPP and UDF supporters to observe the covid-19 measures during the rally.

“We are “Democrats”, meaning DPP and UDF will not allow the Tonse government to use COVID as a scapegoat to bar us from holding the Njamba joint mega rally. I am aware that enemies of democracy have tried this week and are still trying to prevent DPP and UDF from holding the Njamba mega rally but this will not work. DPP and UDF are the only political parties that take the COVID pandemic so seriously. Never at any point did DPP or UDF officials try to ignore COVID measures,” explained Namalomba.

In his remarks, UDF Spokesperson Yusuf Mawa said they have decided to be part of the Mega rally as one way of providing checks and balances to the current regime, and during the rally, the two parties will lead Malawians to take to task Chakwera administration to explain why he continues to betray the people who voted him.

During the rally, Dan Lu, Black Missionaries, and Traditional dances will perform.

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