A 34-year-old man identified as Kasper Thewe, has been arrested in Lilongwe for being found in possession of five blisters of dangerous drugs suspected to be Cocaine.

Lilongwe Police Station spokesperson Hastings Chigalu said Thewe was arrested at Area 4, Double Vision Casino at around 16:00 hours following a tip-off Lilongwe Police detectives received.

Chigalu said when the suspect, while in his Benz vehicle registration number NU 9481, realized that he had been surrounded by law enforcers, he became violent and attempted to escape.

According to Chigalu, the suspect closed the vehicle windows, locked doors, started the engine and sped off.

However, the detectives closed the only exit point from the place which forced him to be moving around at a terrific speed.

Later, when the suspect aimed his vehicle at one officer with an intention to hit him, the law enforcers engaged necessary force to neutralize him.

“The able-detectives searched the vehicle and found the said dangerous drugs stashed in the car. Meanwhile, the suspect is in the hands of Lilongwe Police.” says a police report.

The suspected cocaine will be sent to Pharmacy, Medicines and Regulatory Authority (PMRA) for analysis.

Thewe, who hails from from Jere Village, Traditional Authority Jere in Mzimba District, will appear in court soon to answer a case of being found in possession of dangerous drugs which contravenes Section 4 as read with Regulation 19 of Dangerous Drugs Act.

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