People of Traditonal Authority Nkaya in Balaka district have asked government to upgrade the Nkaya-Utale road and construct a bridge across Rivirivi river in order to ease transportation.

The remarks were made on Friday when the Deputy Minister of Transport, Nancy Mdooko visited the place to appreciate the Balaka-Nkaya –Utale road which was damaged during this year’s cyclones.

Ajilu Pete, Chairperson for Nkaya Area Development Committee (ADC) said people in the community face many problems due the bad shape of the road which becomes difficult to pass during rainy season each and every year.

“It is very difficult to use this road during the rainy season because of the flooding and during the season transportation becomes a very big issue in this area and the surrounding areas”, said Pete

Ireen Mambala, Member of Parliament (MP) for Balaka South Constituency concurred with Pete by explaining that she has been engaging the minister of transport whenever the Parliament has a meeting for help.

“As you can see here both the road and the bridge pass through my constituency and because of this I have been reaching out to the minister whenever Parliament is meeting to help us with our problems here”, She said

According to Engineer Willard Kaunde, Southern Region Manager for Roads Authority said channels at the bridge were too wide to the extend that they have to find another way of constructing the bridge.

“Channels at the bridge were too wide and because of this reason we will see with the authorities if they can help us to explore other passage within the river to construct the bridge”, explained Kaunde

The Deputy Minister of Transport has assured people of the area for a possible action and once it is approved the communities will be notified.

“I will make sure that the assistance which is needed in this community is granted and I will take the action of pushing the development, once it is approved by the authorities you will not left behind”, the minister said.

Cyclone Ana and Gombe have destroyed many roads and bridges in the country making it hard for people to walk and cross one area to another.

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