Bishop Kwabena Asiamah, also known as the chop bar pastor, is the leader and creator of the Ajagurajah Movement. He recently made another controversial comment, which has been met with a variety of emotions and viewpoints from Ghanaians.

The disputed spiritual guy claims that God loves prostitutes even more than he fawns over women who are devout in their faith and attend church regularly.

The man of God claimed, during an interview with Andy Dosty on HITZ FM, that the majority of women who attend church are worse offenders than the prostitutes who are considered to be social outcasts in our society.

Bishop Ajagurajah proceeded by saying that prostitutes do not try to cover up their sins and that they fully believe and accept the fact that they are sinners, but that they still have the desire to repent in the future.

In spite of the fact that ninety percent of Christian women have many partners, sneak into nightclubs and pubs, indulge in gossip, and do a wide variety of wicked acts, these women nevertheless consider themselves to be holy people, which is exactly the kind of behavior that God abhors.

Bishop Ajagurajah also indicated that God likes to show mercy to sinners more than those who are already on his side.

Ajagurajah said that God’s intention is to make it possible for all sinners to accept salvation from him and that this is why God loves sinners more than those who are already on his side.

“God loves a prostitute more than a woman who goes to church with a Bible in her armpit. God does not love hypocrites“

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