In a heartbreaking and shocking turn of events, a man recently discovered that his girlfriend, who is pregnant with his child, is actually his blood sister. The story was shared on Twitter by a user named @KhJrSly.
The man, who was raised by a single mother in the United States, met his girlfriend and they began dating. As their relationship progressed, the woman became pregnant with their child. They made the decision to meet the woman’s family in Nigeria.
To his utter disbelief, when they met the lady’s father, he realized that the man was his biological father, making his girlfriend his own sister.
This discovery has undoubtedly left the man heartbroken and in a state of shock.
@KhJrSly shared:
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel:“Raised by a single mom, got your girlfriend pregnant in the US. Then she takes you home to meet her folks and her dad is your actual dad. My boy dey go through series of madness this afternoon👍🏿.”