As condolence messages continue to pour in on the death of former Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe, State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima has added his voice.

Writing on his official facebook page Chilima said: A doyen of the economics sphere departs to join his fellow luminaries in the here after.

“Thank you for your service to the nation especially in the success of accessing the Paris Club debt write off 2005/06.”

On her part, former President Dr. Joyce Banda wrote: “It’s a sad day for Malawi but we must celebrate his life because he had given about 40 years to our country. I don’t know any other economist who has done that. I worked with him under Muluzi when I was director of women in UDF, then under Bingu in cabinet and later. So I have watched very closely what he has done in Malawi and at the global stage. As Malawi we have to be proud of the decisions he made for the country but also on the global stage. When he worked with Bingu wa Mutharika, that is the time Malawi enjoyed the greatest economic growth, we must recognise. By the way Gondwe, Richard Banda and Bingu went to school together, so it’s that crew whose approach towards work was different.

“They took a lot of pride in being dedicated to work and achieving a lot. In the case of Gondwe and Richard Banda, they were also good friends, so I was able to work with him very closely. Gondwe had the advantage over all of them of having a father who was also a public servant. He grew up in a family where he was groomed and trained because his father, Kayiwonanga Gondwe is someone we can’t forget. I think Gondwe is one of civil and public servants who epitomised true servant leadership.”

Gondwe will be laid to rest this coming Sunday in Enukweni, Mzimba.

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