Police in Balaka district are keeping in custody a 31-year-old man, Innocent Misinjo, for allegedly stealing bicycles, parked at Sana shop in the district.

According the spokesperson of the police in the district, Gladson M’bumpha, the suspect, was arrested on December 11, 2023 when the police were conducting a raid at the place and caught him through the shop’s CCTV camera.

M’bumpha said the police received complaints from several people which made them to investigate the matter.

After being questioned, the suspect admitted that he has been stealing a lot of bicycles from the shop and directed the police to where he was keeping the bicycles.

So far, the police have found 5 bicycles following the arrest of Misanjo.

Innocent Misanjo hails from the village of Mponda chief Nkanda in Mulanje district.

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