The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) has complied with Justice Redson Kapindu’s order to submit more disclosures in a matter in which Vice President Saulos Chilima is suspected to have received unspecified amount of money to influence award of contract to Zunneth Sattar.

Registrar of the High Court and Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal Kondwani Banda has confirmed of the development.
“I can confirm that they complied. They appeared before the judge and submitted the required document at the ordered time” said Banda.

The demanded disclosures are defence council minutes and correspondence between MDF Commander then General Vincent Nundwe and President Lazarus Chakwera.

Initially, MDF refused to submit these documents citing national security until January 12 when Judge Kapindu ordered that these documents should be submitted to him directly to make a decision on the way forward.


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