A 45-year-old man of Siabasimbi Village in Siachitema Chiefdom, Kalomo District in Zambia has been discovered dead in a Maize field close to his house in a suspected case of murder.

The victim has been identified as Cosmas Magalo, with the matter reported to Police by his 60-year-old cousin, Godrick Mukwapu.

Southern Province Commissioner of Police, Auxensio Daka states that Officers who rushed to the scene and found the deceased lying in a maize field which is about 120 meters away from the house.

He notes that a thorough inspection of the lifeless body revealed that it had an injury at the back of the head as a blunt object is suspected to have been used.

Daka adds that there is also an injury on the scrotum as bare hands are suspected to have been used to squeeze them.

He explains that initial investigations reveal that the deceased was sleeping in his house with his junior most spouse as the first and second wife were away for a funeral in the neighboring village.

Daka narrates that around 00:00 hours, the deceased heard some cow bells outside as his cattle had come out of the kraal despite locking them up when they came from the grazing area.

The victim woke up, wrapped himself with the wife’s chitenge material and got a small phone to use as a torch and woke up his 19-year-old son to help him bring the cattle back to the kraal.

He managed to bring back the cattle to the kraal but noticed that one was still missing and went back into the house and got a bigger phone to go and look for the missing animal, leaving his child to stand guard at the kraal.

Daka says he headed to the maize field to look for the missing animal and after seeing that he had taken long to come back, the wife went out of the house only to find the son keeping guard at the kraal.

She later went and alerted a nephew and a sister to the now deceased and began to look for her husband and at O2:00 hours, they heard the ringing of the alarm from the victim’s phone and when they followed the direction of the sound, they found him lifeless.

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