National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has now partnered with Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Mubas), where the latter will start executing a diploma in construction management curriculum.

The aim is to culminate in the availability of clerk of works, which has been identified as a gap in the construction sector.

Gerald Khonje NCIC Chief Executive Officer, during the launch of the programme in Blantyre on Friday said the gap came about due to the discontinuation of diploma courses, creating a missing link between professionals and artisans.

Khonje said they need somebody that would understand the theory part of it and the practical part of it so that there is proper guidance, in terms of how things need to be done and how construction needs have to be met for industry players to deliver quality infrastructure in the country.

Nancy Chitera Mubas Vice Chancellor said the institution has been producing graduates in civil engineering, architecture, lands surveying, planning and mechanical engineering among others, but was quick to say these cannot take up the responsibility of clerk of works.

She concluded that a clerk of work is supposed to be somebody who knows everything about construction. For example, if work involves a building, then the clerk of works needs to know a little bit about architecture, a little bit of structure analysis, a little bit of everything that goes on there.So,this  particular diploma is producing that kind of individual.



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