The Malawi Law Society (MLS) has expressed its worry over delays in tabling the constitution (Amendment) Bill alongside the service administration bills, saying this is heavily affecting Malawians in seeking justice.

In his remarks during the engagement meeting with the Malawi Law Society at crossroads hotel in Lilongwe, the MLS President Patrick Mpaka said Law does not provide for any tribunal responsible for judges disciplinary in case of any malpractice or injury to any party in the course of administering justice and the two bills are seeking to correct this anomaly

“We want transparency and accountability in the judicial system so that citizens will be provided with a platform where they can take their offences against judiciary in any” he said

Meanwhile, the CSOs representative Charles Kajoloweka who is a Director of the youth and society aid the CSOs will push the matter in the next parliament meeting.

However, kajoloweka said judicial impunity is real in Malawi and there is a serious need to take apart that impunity by having the bills enacted into law.