Malawi refuses to accept what others may consider as her destiny, the state of underdevelopment, President Joyce Banda has told the United Nations General Assembly.

Making her maiden speech Wednesday night at the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA as President of the Republic of Malawi, Banda said Malawi is committed to changing this perception.

President Banda took office in April after the death of Bingu wa Mutharika.

She called on the UN and international community to support African leaders to fulfil the potential of their countries, including through support of free trade, tackling climate change, and creating seats at the Security Council for African nations.

Said Banda: “Malawi will continue to need global support in the short and medium term. We need this support to protect the rural poor from food shortages caused by prolonged dry spells in some parts of the country.

“Malawi is looking for partnerships to build its energy capacity. Malawi needs support to attract private investment for the rich potential we have in agro-processing and mining, among others.

“We are looking for partnerships to support the development of our transport and communications infrastructure in order to improve the access to markets.”

Banda said Malawi is on a journey to change its course and that her administration is ready to take its turn to grow not just the wealth, but the opportunities, hope and freedoms for all the Malawian people.

“As a new President and a new member of this global community of leaders, I ask for your support as this one African country journeys to realise its full potential for its people, for Africa and for the world,” said Banda.

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