If Robert Chasowa had been alive and had passed through all the necessary University pressures and pleasures, he could have been in Lilongwe at the Bingu International Conference Center where those of his age are graduating today, Wednesday, September 25.

Unfortunately for him, his life was cut short on a date like Yesterday (September 24) only for his body to be found lying with spots of blood in the corridors of the place he had always called home – the Polytechnic.

Up to date, none of the people that killed the student are known even though names were mentioned in relation to the savage murder of the student. On assuming presidency, President Joyce Banda had promised to make sure that justice is served to the Chasowa family but reports last week indicated that the files of the case had gone missing at the Courts. These reports, of course, were rubbished as they turned out to be untrue.

graduateOne can only hope that today, the parents and relatives of the slain student will not remember that Robert could have been amongst the hundreds being decorated today. But then, that is a vain wish.

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