It never rain but pours on former budget director Paul Mphwiyo, the gun survivor whose shooting led to revelations of massive looting of public funds at capitol Hill dubbed Cashgate.

Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has confiscated two vehicles belonging to Mphwiyo.

The development comes barely weeks after Mphwiyo’s arrest by the Ant-Corruption Bureau in connection to the looting of public funds which led to donor aid suspension.

The two vehicles are Mercedes Benz which was mostly used by Mphwiyo during his court appearances recently and a 4 Matic GL 500 which are now being kept at MRA offices in Lilongwe.

MRA Marketing and Communications Manager Wilma Chalulu confirmed of the development in an interview with one of the local daily papers in the country.

When asked as to why the body has impounded the two vehicles, Chalulu refused to give more details.

Inside sources who confide to FaceofMalawi said the vehicles are suspected to have been brought into the country without being cleared for tax.

Meanwhile Mphwiyo was not available for comment.

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