Government has raised the minimum wage from 787 Kwacha 70-Tambala to 962 Kwacha per day.

The increase has come after consulting its social partners, Employers Consultative Association of Malawi-ECAM and the Malawi Congress of Trade Union-MCTU.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Labour, Youth and Manpower Development, the minimum wage order came into operation from 1st July, 2017.

According to the statement, the minimum wage serves the purpose of protecting the lowest paid workers from exploitation of the services they render.

It further says it is unlawful for an employer to pay employees below the minimum wage. The statement says workers and their employers are therefore encouraged to negotiate for higher rates where possible.

Meanwhile, government has warned all employers that anyone who pays below the minimum wage shall be liable to prosecution as provided for in section 55 of the employment act.

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