The blood sucking rumor is becoming a challenge to the development of Malawi as other states that help Malawi through various programs are restricting their citizens from traveling to some areas affected with the blood sucking issue.

The United States Embassy in Malawi previously cautioned its citizens to take care when traveling to Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Nsanje and Phalombe districts following the ongoing cases of vigilant justice that the blood sucking rumor has brought in.

Just recently, the US Embassy has for the second time extended the travel warning to its citizens when visiting Zomba and the commercial Capitol of Malawi, Blantyre following the latest chaos that happened yesterday and resulted into the death of two people.

Writing on their Facebook page, the Embassy has appealed to its citizens that there is still potential additional unrest in and around Blantyre and Zomba Districts hence US citizens must avoid all areas involved in such chaos activities especially in the evening.

“While these disturbances are not directed at U.S. citizens, you should avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.

“Please review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, including local events; and monitor local news stations for updates. Maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance your personal security,” wrote on their Facebook page.

Recently, Malawi president visited some of the affected areas where he warned that his government will deal with anyone caught perpetrating such crimes.

The bloodsucking rumor has brought in deaths of seven people whom were being suspected to have had a hand in such demonic acts.




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