By Gilbert Moyo

Dear Good Guys

“I was not like this,” he said. ” She broke my heart so I decided to be a heartbreaker.”

If you’ve not heard that before, simudziwa kucheza. That statement is a common tale of good guys going bad (sounds like a name of an album).

Let’s leave the jokes aside and face the music; how many times have you been hurt? Even if it means 0.5 times I say to you, I can relate. Think of this; if 10 girls hurt you, does it mean the 17 million people who live in Malawi are all bad? I think the nsomba ikaola imodzi maxim does not apply here. I mean there must be at least a million of good girls out there right? (My stats are illogical, I know but I have a point!)

Anyway my point is, before you delve deep into darkness, I want you to be strong because good guys are endangered species. The world is messed up and faithfulness to one partner is as old fashioned as Lilongwe’s Town Hall. So stay good, you’re an answer to a lady’s prayer.

I end my series today so I don’t wanna give the impression that I’m a good guy. I’ve hurt and been hurt but one thing I don’t forget to do is to look to Jesus.

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