Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare has urged parents, guardians, community leaders and everyone else to ensure that learners and persons with albinism are protected and supported in order for them to achieve their goals in life.

Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Gender, Isaac Katopola, made the remarks in Lilongwe on Wednesday when Lions Club of Capital City handed over 220 optical assist devices to the Association of Persons with Albinism (APAM) through Ministry of Gender.

He hailed the initiative, saying eye and skin problems associated with albinism are some of the challenges encountered, hence urging people to take care of persons with albinism.

He said if the challenges are not addressed then learners with albinism will still continue to experience such challenges hence the initiative.

Currently, Government through ministries of Gender and Health are providing low and skin care services which includes glasses, sun screen lotion as well as health education on skin and eye care.

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