Monday, June 17, 2024

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Zeze Winter Party

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:00:00 UTC @ Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa - Zeze and Jetu Will be performing Live for "Zeze Winter Party" in three shows with other supporting artists. • 21st June: Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa • 22nd June: Hillside Lodge, ... More Info
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Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:00:00 UTC @ Santa Claire Gardens - Msilikali is bringing Quest in Mchinji at Santa Claire Garden for Mchinji Shutdown music show on 29 june 2024. the show will start from 1PM till you say fine, Quest will be performing l... More Info

Tips: 15 Ways To Satisfy A Woman In Bed

She is sweet, she is sensitive, and she is sexy for sure. Your woman means the world to you and one of the best ways to make her feel special is by pampering her sexual desires. The greatest joy is to satisfy a woman in bed. Women tend to take time to get aroused, but once you light the fire, they are ready to roar.

The one question that plagues every man is ‘how to satisfy a woman in bed every time?’ The question is a tough one for sure; if you want to make her want you more, then there are tricks to heighten her sexual pleasures. Specific positions, erogenous zones, and techniques can help you make her arch her back like never before.

Good sex is mostly teamwork. Men often overlook the importance of foreplay and hurry the act without realizing that women value foreplay quite a bit. Just because you are all up and charged does not mean that your woman is ready for the act too. A relaxed approach and a little consideration of what she wants will set you up for a good start.

And do not try too hard to make her orgasm; very often, the pleasure from the sex makes orgasm less necessary. There, one myth busted! Here are 15 ways that will actually satisfy your woman every time you have sex, making it pleasurable for both of you. We will tell you how to satisfy your lady in bed.

  1. Begin with a kiss

The best way to satisfy a woman in bed is to kiss her. Your woman loves to be kissed on the neck, lips, boobs, and just about anywhere. The more the merrier for her. A kiss is a powerful weapon (one with health benefits too). Use it with intensity and lots of passion to ignite her sensually.

Each woman has a few special erogenous zones and kissing them will turn her on instantly. Nibble on her body and find out those spots, remembering them for the next time too. You can pleasure a girl sexually by planting kisses all over her body.



  1. Extended foreplay will do wonders when you pleasure your woman

When you pleasure a woman, patience and build-up are key. Women are blessed with wonderful bodies. There is much scope for exploring. Instead of keeping it short and quick, master the art of foreplay to arouse her. Take time before you penetrate her and this will work like magic.

While you’re at it, why not add a little role play to take things up a notch? You could order sexy lingerie for her or get yourselves both fun and exciting costumes that can heighten up the excitement and make your act really last.

  1. Be a gentleman in bed

Understand the difference between passion and abuse. Do not cross the line and hurt her sentiments. A rough love session should be wild and not turn violent. The best way to ensure her comfort is by taking her consent and having healthy sexual boundaries in place. If your partner is uncomfortable at any point during lovemaking, hit pause immediately. No means no.

  1. Dirty talk to spice up your sex life

If you want to satisfy a woman in bed, then learn to master dirty talking. However, don’t go over the top with your description. Instead, talk to her about what you like about her, how you get turned on looking at her naked, what you’d like to do to her, and so forth.

You can even please your woman with dirty dancing and give your regular sex a whole new start! This lends a refreshing appeal to sex and it feels like the first time. The idea is to make her happy in bed. Being desired sexually is quite flattering…

  1. How to pleasure a girl sexually? Whisper sweet nothings

To give pleasure to women in bed, the best trick is to keep whispering something nice and sweet in their ears. As you nibble on her ear, say something seductive. As you kiss her lips, surprise her with some sexy lines. Talk about her sexual fantasies and turn her on. This will arouse her to no end.

  1. Perform oral sex

Having spent a decent amount of time on foreplay, try adding performing oral sex to surprise her. This is far more enjoyable for her. There are many tips to orally stimulate a woman during sex and it is seen as the best way to please her. Take some inspiration from Fifty Shades of Grey; lick her, bite her, play with her, grab her – so many things to do!

  1. Please your woman by teasing and licking her

Play with her body and run your hands over it. Caress her and tickle her in a few spots. Massage her breasts or stimulate her down there. Don’t forget to make good use of your tongue to tease her. A little bit of licking will do wonders and your woman will respond beautifully to these moves. Softly bite the folds of her skin and watch her moan with pleasure.

Besides, there are several fun products and toys that can heighten the fun of exploring her body with your tongue. For instance, there is something called flavored kissing dust that you can sprinkle all over her body and lick it off, making every pore in her body come alive with excitement.

  1. Go for a quickie

It is not about going full throttle at all times. The element of surprise is superb when you’re aiming to pleasure a girl sexually. Catching her unawares (and in unlikely places) can lead to an unbelievable steamy session. Maybe she could be doing a chore when you kiss her passionately. Things escalate in a flash and you’d have her panting and asking for more.

  1. Dress well and smell good to please your woman

Hygiene matters when setting the tone for good sex. Before heading to bed, take a shower and wear a soft perfume. Make sure that bodily and pubic hair is all removed or trimmed. Pay attention to your undergarments. Most importantly, brush your teeth well. This will set the mood quite nicely; no one can enjoy sex if their partner smells bad. Avoid making such mistakes in bed.

It is seen often that spouses become so used to each other that they stop putting in efforts completely. When husbands wonder why the spark is gone, the most probable answer is this. You can’t please your wife during sex without putting in the basic efforts of hygiene.

  1. Ask her what she likes

Instead of imposing your moves, ask your woman how she would like to be loved. Place her needs and desires before yours. Give importance to what she prefers and how she prefers it. Being sexually generous is really essential in a relationship. This will help your woman shed her inhibitions and also answer your basic questions on how to fully satisfy a woman in bed.

  1. Try making out at different places

Don’t restrict yourself to the bedroom; explore other locations in the house like the kitchen, study or even bathroom. You may even try outdoor sex to experience that rush of adrenaline. It will be a refreshing change of pace and locale; a little sexual adventure keeps things feisty in the relationship.

  1. How can I pleasure a woman? Use sex toys to spice up things

You might have mastered the art of making love, but if you want to be the king in the game, then we suggest using sex toys. Using a vibrator can turn your woman on big time. It will only heighten the pleasure for women in bed. Are sex toys good for a relationship? We think they are! Apart from hardcore sex toys like vibrators and dildos, you can also try leather whips, interlocking foam foreplay mats, nipple rings and clamps that you can use to heighten the pleasure.

  1. Try using sensual food to satisfy a woman in bed

Keep a stock of chocolate sauce to turn on the heat. Instead of licking the sauce from a plate, try pouring it over her twins and slowly lick it. Literally, nothing could be sexier than this. There are many dirty games you can play with food. Use fruit, whipped cream, honey, and even caramel for an unforgettable night of pleasure.

  1. Love and romance win the day

Remember this tip to satisfy women in bed. A woman loves to be loved before you undress her for a full-on lovemaking session. Romance her and make her feel special before you start exploring her body. This will ensure that she is completely engrossed with you in bed. Work her hottest erogenous zones to make her orgasm. And after you’re done having sex, stay in bed and cuddle her.

  1. Get a little naughtier to please your wife during sex

Ask her what her wildest fantasies are and try to fulfill them. If she wants to try out something new like a threesome, then give it a shot. This might make things sexier for the two of you as you turn those wild dreams into reality. This is a great way of tackling boredom in the relationship or marriage. Of course, you must try this only if you are completely comfortable. Remember at times jealousy can creep up and make things messier.

Bonus tip to satisfy a woman in bed

And the bonus but the most important tip is to let her orgasm before you do. If you have an orgasm before she does, chances are she will have to make do without one. Work on controlling your erection better, hold on in there and let her have the first high point in your lovemaking session.

Here we come to an end of these ways to pleasure a woman. You’ve picked up a lot along the way and are super eager to try it out in the bedroom. Well, what are you waiting for? Go forth and please her like never before!


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Robert Ngwira
Robert Ngwira
Attended Our Future Private Secondary School in Rumphi from 2006-2009 Holder of Diploma in Journalism from Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) Hobbies, reading newspapers, going out with friends, listening to radio and watching football. Email:

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