Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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Blantyre City Heist

Sat, 18 May 2024 14:00:00 UTC @ Robin's Park - Madness Entertaiment Presents Blantyre City Heist on 18th May 2024. The event will take place ar Robin's Park in Blantyre and Charisma is the main act. There will be also other performi... More Info
Saturday Night Live With Driemo

Sat, 18 May 2024 20:00:00 UTC @ Mibawa Multipurpose Hall - Mibawa Tv and WSBET presents "Saturday night live with Driemo" on 18th May 2024 at Mibawa Multipurpose Hall in Blantyre. The event will have music performances by Driemo along side The... More Info

Chizuma’s Summon Sparks Debate On Social Media

Malawi Police summoned Ant-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma today at the National Police Headquarters in connection with the leaked audio clip in which Chizuma was discussing her work related issues with unidentified person.

The summon was a follow up of the court order to have Chizuma investigated in the matter of which some Malawians have described as a move is to frustrate the fight of corruption which Chizuma is fighting.

Many Malawians have voiced out against the situation and below are some of the comments..

Onjezani Kenani said; A MCP mukalolera kuti Martha achotsedwe ntchito, aliyense amene mutamuyikeyo Amalawi achita kudziwa kuti ndi puppet wanu wofuna kukuthandizani kuba.

Mlakatuli Raphael Sitima wrote on facebook; Koma dziko ili nkhani sizikutha abale,ina isanathe zikupezeka ina yalowa m’bwalo.Dzulo timadikilira kuti kucha kwa lero Martha Chizuma akhala akupita ku police mukayankha mafunso ataitanidwa ndi apolisi ndipo kuno mikokoyogona yonse, ntchemberegandule ,makosana ndi mabuthu onse anaunjikana kuti Martha Chizuma akamapita Ku polisi amuperekeze.Koma lero apolisi atulutsa chikalata kuti basi asapitenso ku polisiko. Komabe mbali inayi anthu ali khumakhuma kuti koma lero pa 22 April kunja kuda bwinobwino??Potengera zomwe mapolofeti ananena kuti lero kugwa thambo lakuda mmdziko lino. Malawi ndi drama group payekha.

Mchiragule Mwanza SC said; The Police must not be intimidated when doing its duties. MARTHA CHIZUMA BROKE THE LAW! Therefore she must be questioned if anything taken to the court of law. Kodi lamulo tizichita kusankha anthu owapanga target?? John Tembo was once arrested. APM was arrested. Multi Billionaire Thom Mpinganjira was arrested. Hon Newton Kambala was arrested as a Minister . Hon Kezzie Msukwa was arrested while he was serving as a Minister. Hon Chakufwa Chihana was arrested. His Excellency Dr Bakili ” Atcheya” Muluzi was arrested. Hon Atupele Muluzi was arrested. Hon BJ Brown Mpinganjira was arrested. Hon Mbuya Gwanda Chakuwamba was arrested.Hon Enock Chihana was arrested. So how special is this woman?? Martha Chizuma is not above the law.

Ras Chikomeni David Chirwa wrote; Greetings Martha Chizuma, if you ever start thinking of giving up, look behind your back and see the massive support you have. You are going to triumph. Not because you are strong but because He who lives in you is the strongest. You are going to survive not because have a way to do it but because citizens are behind you. To be in such a position and command massive public support is a big statement that your integrity and work ethic is excellent. Also the voice of people is the voice of Jah. May Jah’s blessings be on you as you face the panel investigating you. May Jah’s fire be unleashed on Sattar-n who is there to steal , kill and destroy. Babylon your fall has come. We say no more.

Deus Sandram said; Surely something is seriously wrong with our men in Uniform. I still can’t figure out what is happening! They announce the summoning of an individual, hours later after a backlash from the general Public, they will quickly withdraw the announcement. Ulendo wina tinamva ayi Winiko amumanga…few hours later ayi they have unconditionally released him. Ulendo wina ayi Vitus-Gregory Gondwe amunjata, few hours later ayi sitinamumangetu, timafuna tikangomwa naye tea. Dzulo ayi we have summoned Martha Chizuma for questioning…few hours later ayitu…we have postponed the interview. Can we check the bags of the holy weed that were confiscated by our men in Uniform recently. Are they still there? Or we are busy smoking the whole of it? This is so embarrassing!

Loudon Silwamba wrote; She is Martha Chizuma. She is at the helm of ACB by OUR DEMAND. Even Parliament rejected her, WE put her there. MPS is one of the alleged worst corrupt institution, we don’t see any merit in interrogating Martha. If anything, let the courts summon her if they see any case in her.

Tiwonge Kumwenda commented; In their plan, they knew that you will escort Martha Chizuma to area 30, and to them it is normal. I don’t think it will yield anything. Find another “unusual” way. A way that will help to put some senses into Kwantere’s head. The bad thing is that both the opposition and govt including some human rights defenders are the beneficiaries of Sattar. That’s why the citizens are like orphans in this fight. Those persecuting Martha are the one who are most corrupt according to the survey. They are defending themselves. No Kontholo

Daniel Sato wrote; There is nothing to defend Martha Chizuma from. If she did wrong in the Law and discharge of her duties, let her face it. If she did not, let her be spared. It is a fallacy to reason that her removal or non removal has a bearing on the fight against corruption. The only way will be for the ACB not to rely on an individual, but an autonomous and efficient system whose lobbying has now become a perrenial song. Martha did wrong in discussing the Bureaus’s affairs with a third party against her and any employee of the Bureaus’s conditions of service. The Law must not have exceptions as that is how the same arnachy we are preaching against breeds.

Madda Chinguwo said; This country has everything upside down. Like seriously instead of sorting out problems at hand u are busy playing witch-hunting with Martha Chizuma? Eeee guys dziko lomvesa chisoni ili sindinaoneposo all this so u can continue plundering the economy at the expense of poor ordinary Malawians. International leaders and organisations are watching this and are shaking their heads. Eeeish Mulungu wanga why do u allow kuti Malawi azisekedwa chonchi? Ngati tinalakwa plz forgive us.

Joshua Chisa Mbele said; The Evidence of Weak, Wicked & Corrupt Administration began to unravel in the second year of Tonse Administration.

The only thing that kept them United was the absence of shame. They openly lived large on ill-gotten wealth.
The Executive was brazenly incompetent to govern. It was dysfunctional, disorganized, inexperienced and overly too useless even to run a Hardware Shop let alone a People’s Republic of 58 years.
The architecture of elaborate manipulation of state organs now reached and infiltrated the judiciary. Here was the place where Satan laid eggs and hatched evil reptiles in priestly robes.
The Wicked Administration that saw its demise in the third year began to arrest Activists & Journalists. Finally, it severed its own member and issued a notice to that effect.
When One is about to die, Ears die first ~ reads an extract from ancestral reservoir of wisdom. Icarus was now flying too close to the Sun from where he would plummet to his death.
Calling All Citizens to attend and witness public interview of Martha Chizuma, Head of ACB by the Police at their Headquarters, Area 30. This morning.
Ndawala pa Town……Ine Ndwiiii…….
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