1. You improve your abilities in a variety of areas throughout the process.

When things are tough, that’s when we have the opportunity to learn some of the most valuable lessons in life.

That is one indication that God is actively involved in the situation at hand and working to bring out the best in you.

Sometimes the challenges we go through elucidate our life goals and motivate us to make progress toward achieving them.

If God is involved, whatever happens to you will always serve as a valuable lesson for you to take away. You will gain the ability to pray and even faith to place your trust in God.

  1. God will send you genuine people who will encourage you and support you in your endeavors.

This is another unmistakable indication that God is assisting you in getting through this difficult time.

Angels came to minister to Jesus Christ while he was in the wilderness, and even while he was in the garden of Gethsemane, angels from God came to encourage him. This happened both before and after Jesus Christ.

That is always a sign that God is the one who has helped you to come out on the other side of whatever circumstance you were going through.

These are the kinds of individuals that are supposed to build you up and share the love of God with you.

  1. Even in the most trying of times, there is still cause for hope.

When you make it through a difficult scenario that God has permitted you to go through, he will not let you lose hope in the future.

You will be conscious, on some level, of the fact that there is a glimmer of hope at the end of the dark tunnel, and this realization will provide you with the motivation to keep going.

  1. He will not let you perish under any circumstances.

It has never been and never will be God’s will for anyone to pass away before their time.

In the event that God is behind a certain situation, you can rest assured that He will shield you from death.

Even after Job agreed to let the devil test him, he cautioned the devil against coming near his heart.

The adversary was only supposed to inflict harm on him, not take his life.

When God is in control of a situation, he will not let it happen that you die. Only the adversary intends to commit crimes, kill people, and cause destruction when they arrive.

  1. While some individuals move on, others will join the community.

It’s possible that God allows these things to happen in order to remove certain individuals from your life so that he can put the appropriate people into it.

It is during trying times that you learn who your true friends are and who are just pretending to be friends.

Because of this, God will use challenging circumstances to bring the right people into your life and to drive the wrong people away.

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