Exec Dir. Phineas Tichana, Hon Muluzi, AHS Chairman Mutumwa Mawere and Mr. Kyle

Africa Heritage Society hosted Hon. Atupele Austin Muluzi, the UDF leader in Parliament and a Member of Parliament for Machinga North East. He holds an LLB and LLM degrees in Malawi. He is currently the youngest Member of Parliament in Malawi. He is the son of Bakili Muluzi and Anne Muluzi. The name Atupele was given to him by the Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, and is a lawyer by profession. He is engaged to the former Member of Parliament for Blantyre Northeast, Angela Zachepa.

The Republic of Malawi is a landlocked country in South East Africa. It is among the world’s least developed countries. Its economy is heavily based on agriculture with a largely rural population. Malawi is a member of SADC and Comesa. The post colonial story is pregnant with lessons. The future of Malawi is Africa’s business.

A conversation of Malawi challenges and opportunities was the theme of the event. He highlighted the governments changing the flag against the wishes of the people and that the biggest threat to development is freedom and Malawi needs to look beyond. A nation of 13 million people, Malawi’s budget is 60 % local. He went to express the need for infrastructure development in the nation.

Ezekiel Bizabani, Hon. Muluzi, Wana Chiteta, Tich ChikoworeEzekiel Bizabani, Hon. Muluzi, Wana Chiteta, Tich Chikowore

It was evident in the conversation that the winds of change are blowing on Malawi for a younger generation to lead the nation into a new era and their involvement in the next elections in two years time. The business community that attended the event requested for a full geological report on Malawi to see opportunities into the infrastructure.

The subject of member nations came up and that South Africa a is a strategic key  partner for Malawi and that by the Chinese accepting South Africa which they believe represents Africa with its 50 million population can add the 13 million of Malawi to its name and participate effectively with the Malawians playing a significant role.

Author: Phineas Tichana.

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