A man’s penis in Thailand began to decay after he got it jammed in a metal pipe for five days and only sought medical attention after the pain became unbearable.
The 21-year-old placed his penis in a sock and then put it into a metal cylinder and had sex with it last week.

After climax, the tip had swollen so much the blood couldn’t flow back – and he was stuck inside the make-shift sex toy.
He wandered around his house for five days in extreme pain while trying a variety of lubricants to free himself from the jam.
The unidentified man eventually dragged himself to hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, and explained the situation to doctors on Sunday night.
He told medics that he had used the industrial equipment to masturbate twice before, but this time after ‘experimenting with a sock’ he climaxed and could not remove himself.
He had endured the pain for five days – with his penis rotting inside the contraption – before he summoned up the strength to call for help. Volunteer rescue workers then took him to the hospital.
Paramedic Akachai Buapathum said they spent three hours cutting the metal from the man’s penis – but wasted 25 blades slicing through it. Akachai said: ‘When I first saw his penis it was already swollen.
The bolt and nuts he put on were 3mm thick and we had to cut them open with a small blade.
‘We used 25 blades and spent more than three hours on the operation.
‘The man had been experimenting with adding a black sock to his sex toy, but this was one of the reasons that he was stuck.’
Doctor Sitra Likisakul said the man could have lost his penis as the skin had rotted so badly the tissue inside was visible.
He said: ‘It’s very dangerous to have the penis in this situation for three hours, let alone five days.
‘The penis was stuck because when it was erect in the bolt, the cavities filled with blood. But afterwards the blood couldn’t return and stayed in the glands at the top of the penis. The organ then began rotting.’
Being stuck like this for just three hours could cause someone to lose their penis but this man was stuck for five days. I am still shocked that he survived.’