David George, a four-year-old Scottish boy, was found dead after going to his room to watch a movie.

David wanted to watch Transformers by himself at his family’s house but was found passed out by his father.

His mother, Debbie, 38, said the family has been left “heartbroken” after the medical workers who came to their home could not save the child.

“He closed his eyes and went to heaven. He wasn’t in pain and hadn’t been unwell. He just died with no warning or reason.

“We’re heartbroken. Absolutely devastated. I don’t know how I’ll carry on without him.

“He was my baby. I just want him back. I’d do anything to have him here.

“I just feel so lucky to have been his mummy. I know it’s better to have loved and lost than not loved at all.

“I will cherish the four brilliant years we had together for the rest of my life,” Debbie told the Daily Record.

Little David. Image credit: Facebook

David had been having fun in the garden with his siblings before he passed away on April 15.

He went inside on his own as he wanted to watch his favorite movie in peace.

Medical experts told the parents that the boy, who had no underlying health problems, passed away from Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood (SUDC) after falling asleep.

The devastated mother said that her boy was about to start school in August.

She added that his passing left his brother and sister heartbroken but they told them “he is up there having fun”.

David and his loving family. Image credit: Facebook
  • SUDC can happen to children between 1 and 18 years of age
  • Over 40 children in Wales and England pass each year without an apparent reason
  • The cause remains unidentified even after deep investigation of the child’s condition and the family’s medical history
  • SUDC is pointed as the cause of death when other causes cannot be identified
  • It is similar to the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) as it happens to healthy children most times while they are asleep and the cause has not been identified so far
  • What differentiates SUDS from SIDS is that the SIDS diagnosis is made only if the child is less than 12-months-old
  • Unfortunately, there is nothing parents can do to minimize the risk of SUDC with the current scientific knowledge available.

For a short documentary on the subject, please see the video below.

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