A 27 years old female driver has died in Blantyre after she was involved in a road accident.
She has been identified as Lekani Nalikungwi from nambale village T/A chakhaza in Dowa district.
Mrs. Nalikungwi met her fate during the night of 2nd August, 2020 at about 2400hrs at Johnstone roundabout along chipembere highway.
At the time, the deceased was alone in the vehicle and was driving from polytechnic direction heading Blantyre.
Due to over speeding, upon reaching Johnstone roundabout she lost control of the vehicle and hit the offside road embankment.
The vehicle then roll over to the other side roadway and rest near HTD house entrance gate.
As a result of the impact, the driver sustained severe head injuries and was rushed to Queen Elizabeth Central hospital where she died whilst receiving treatment.
The vehicle got extensively damaged.


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