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By Shadrick

If you’re a beautiful woman dating a poor man your life is in danger. …Sooner than later you will be pregnant if you’re not very careful.

[this also applies to a rich man dating a poor woman..sooner than later she will say she is pregnant]

Kindly note that this article is not meant to ridicule or belittle poor people but to stress a point that lies in having a good measure of self-esteem and value even when you’re poor and broke.

What really is self-esteem and how does it amplify Value ?


Self-esteem has been defined as confidence in one’s own worth or abilities – Self respect.


  1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
  2. principles or standards of behaviour; or one’s judgement of what is important in life.


Having a healthy self-esteem can influence your motivation, your mental well-being, your choices and your overall quality of life. This increases value.

It must however be noted that having self-esteem that is either too high or too low can be very problematic and a danger to oneself or those around. This is rightfully so because self esteem can be translated into pride if it is perceived to be too high by others and that has adverse effects.

In the same sense self – esteem that is too low can make a person to lose a good measure of value and settle for less than they deserve including anything that looks like money. That is why in most cases poor people do not negotiate for higher pays in interviews because of having a low self esteem even when they may be more qualified than the person interviewing them. They accept anything that looks like money. Being a director has enabled me to experience this.


Having a better understanding of what your unique level of self-esteem is can help you strike a balance that is just right for you. A good Self-esteem can help a person to attach to themselves a certain measure of value which is more often than not seen in one’s choices,decisions and actions.


There is a certain kind of confidence that comes with money and more often than note it is seen in the standards of behavior that the rich exhibit and it is almost like a reflex.

Rich people care so much about status and as such they try hard to maintain a good reputation because for them it is an investment and it’s everything. This explains why in most cases the rich associate more with their kind – the rich.

When it comes to relationships most rich people don’t have time for multiple relationships unless otherwise. This is partly so because rich people are busy in most cases and spend much of their time thinking about how they will secure and multiply their wealth.

Even if a rich man has multiple relationships it is rare that he will impregnate someone because for them a pregnancy before or outside marriage is a huge embarrassment and has adverse effects on their reputation and as such they make sure they protect themselves that’s why most rich people don’t experience sexually transmitted diseases as compared to the poor.

Rich people attach a certain kind of value to themselves that is why they are not willing to let a two minutes enjoyment tarnish their reputation and send the media into a frenzy.

More often than not rich people have high self esteem which in turn amplifies their value and eventually influences their choices, decisions and actions . Even if you happen to meet a very dull rich person you will not talk to them in a certain way as is the case with the poor.


I must stress from the outset that there is nothing wrong with being poor or broke. Most of us have been poor even before we were born and as such credit must be given to all the poor people who are trying their best to make a difference and this include all those who have made a difference because being rich is not the same as being born in a rich family- make no mistake.

Most poor people have low self esteem which in turn decreases their view of their own worth and eventually that influences their behavior which is clearly seen in their choices,decisions and actions.

If you asked a poor man to choose between reputation and sleeping with a very beautiful accomplished woman the chances are that a poor man will most likely choose sleeping with a very beautiful accomplished woman. This is so not because a poor man has no value but because in most cases a poor man does not believe he has good enough a reputation to protect.

Low self esteem affects what a poor man thinks he deserves and as such a poor man finds it hard to believe that he can truly be loved and respected by a very beautiful accomplished woman(The same may be true for a poor woman).

Thus, in order to increase his chances of getting married a poor man will not hesitate to impregnant a beautiful accomplished woman because for him it’s more of an achievement than an embarrassment.

This explains the Façade that most rich men are not good in bed partly because a poor man has a lot of time and does not think he has more to offer than prolonged sexual relations and as such a poor man will do anything including drinking mutototo or any other available sexual enhancers just to impress a woman or try to get her pregnant except that there is only one problem. A poor man forgets something very Obvious – – the fact that a beautiful accomplished woman knows how to take morning after…Sad right? YES ..but even more sad is the fact that a poor man may not succeed in getting her pregnant at times but he will definitely succeed in getting the diseases if at all she has any which he then spreads in his community. (the same is true for poor women..why do you think Prostitutes grab peoples husbands?)

Because of this mentality statistics also show that sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies including early marriages are more prevalent in poor communities.


Even when a poor person does not really love a rich person a poor person will pretend to show love and eventually chooses to marry a rich person just to satisfy the need for financial stability. While a rich person may be happy that they found what they wanted a poor person may not be as happy inside because they are in it for the benefits not love and companionship.

Sadly when this poor person becomes exposed and makes their own money it is easier for them to cheat or leave a rich person because the need for financial stability is no longer there and as such they may now want to start associating with their type partly because they never loved the rich person in the first place but only pretended to show love in order to benefit themselves and their family.

What is more disturbing is that this mentality eventually results in a lot of divorce cases being recorded each year.


Whether rich or poor have a health level of self esteem because this will have a positive effect on your view of your own worth as a person and it eventually will have a positive influence on your choices, decisions and actions.

If you do not want to find yourself in divorce marry your type because pretending to love someone is definitely not a job you want to take for the rest of your life. Someone will be deeply hurt unfortunately.

My personal Quote:

There is no greater fraud than marrying a person you do not love simply because of the benefits you are going to get.

NOTE: Comments made in this article do not depict the behavior of all rich or poor people. They may or may not apply to some.



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