Sunday, June 16, 2024

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Zeze Winter Party

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:00:00 UTC @ Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa - Zeze and Jetu Will be performing Live for "Zeze Winter Party" in three shows with other supporting artists. • 21st June: Alnod Guest House, Dwangwa • 22nd June: Hillside Lodge, ... More Info
Quest Mchinji Studown

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:00:00 UTC @ Santa Claire Gardens - Msilikali is bringing Quest in Mchinji at Santa Claire Garden for Mchinji Shutdown music show on 29 june 2024. the show will start from 1PM till you say fine, Quest will be performing l... More Info

6 ways to be an amazing boyfriend when your girl is on her period

Your babe expects you to be her champ when gets that cramp. Here’s how to be that and more.

How to be an amazing boyfriend when your girl is on her period [Credit: DAN]

Several guys cringe or feel queasy at the thought and talk of women’s menstrual cycles, and that’s just sad.

It’s sad because as guys, you can’t forever hide from the subject, especially if you intend to marry a woman, or if you are already in a relationship with one. During the monthly flow, women have been known to have mood swings [This is not limited to just five days in a month though. Stay woke, guys.]

They’ve also been known to feel irritable, uncomfortable [especially those that suffer terrible cramps], hormonal shifts, some become hyper-active, some get so sluggish, super horny, angry, immobile and on and on.

While you are supposed to be a great boyfriend/husband at every point, these five [or less or more] days require a little extra effort to make her comfortable and happy.

So below, with help and recommendation from women, we list six great ways to pamper your wife/girlfriend and be her champ when she has cramps.

Or tampons or menstrual cups or whatever she uses. Know the size, the brand your girl likes. Buy for her ahead of that time of the month, without being asked.

You actually can’t mess this one up. It often shows you care about every facet of her life.

If you are a guy that still gets freaked out or give disgusted facial expressions when women bring up menstruation talk, you need to look for a way to get used to the idea.

It’s all natural and the last thing your babe wants is for you to be acting childish like that.

Become comfortable with it. You actually should be worried for her if she does not do it. That’s how absolutely necessary it is.

Yeah, bruh, food.

Both on Twitter and Instagram where a little survey was conducted, almost all the women who commented asked that food should be brought to them.

“Buy me ice cream, buy me shawarma, cook for me and make me eat even if I don’t want to,” says Twitter user, Omotola.

“Lots and lots of food…” requests Naomi, another Twitter user.

“Buy me food,” adds Lolah June.

So, there you have it guys, make sure you get your girl food when she’s on her period. You might want to consider not buying her sugary foods though, except she specifically requests. Eating sugary stuff on periods have been said to worsen cramps.

Women like belly rubs when they are on their periods. Aanu on Instagram, among many others, says “Pat her back, rub her tummy if you can”

Lolah June adds on Twitter that while on her period, she would love her man to “rub my stomach and my back” but he has to “stop immediately I ask him to.”

Also, you have to learn when to talk to her and when to leave her alone.

Whether you feel weird about this or not, period s*x is a thing and in fact, some women have been known to get so bloody horny [no puns intended] when on their periods than on normal days.

This is a sensitive issue though, and whether to indulge her during that period is something you will both have to work about between yourselves.

“If the guy is down for that, why not?” asks Kehinde.

“Check up like every time to confirm no pain, just be extra sweet.” Tola, an Instagram user says.

“Know the details of her period. Like be able to tell when her next period will be, what she does to ease her pain and all,” Tosin adds.

“He should just be available. Stay beside her to keep her company (no excessive talk though) it pisses. Just let her feel at peace even in her woman storm,” Pheyi writes.

All in all, guys, while most of the things listed here apply to almost every woman, there are still little variations and moderation tailor-suited to your babe that you need to ask and learn from her.

Treat those queens well, Kings!

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