Maranatha Academy has this year sent the highest number of students to public higher learning institutions, as compared to other schools in the country.

In the just released selection list by the National Council for Higher Education (Nche), 306 students from the school have been selected, out of which 141 are girls while 165 are boys.

Managing director Ernest Kaonga said the achievement comes from hard work from both teachers and students.

“This is no mean achievement and we thank the parents for entrusting us with the future of their children and students for their hard working spirit,” he said.

Last year, Maranatha Academy sent 235 students to various public universities, 111 girls and 124 boys.

Nche announced that out of 19 760 applications, this year, 8 552 students have been selected to various public universities.

According to Nche, St Mary’s secondary school has sent 102 students to public universities, Marist 73, Target Mzuzu 109, Stella Maris 86, Zomba Catholic 80, Likuni 154, Chaminade 132, Mary Mount 112, Atsikana Paulendo 90 and Michiru View 85.


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