A 52-year-old woman, Cecilia Nkhoma, tragically lost her life when a gold mining wall collapsed on her at Kambavi village in Kasungu on Friday.
Kasungu Police Deputy Spokesperson Miracle Mkozi, reported that on the fateful day, the deceased and her friends ventured to the banks of the Damba River for gold mining. During their mining activity, a cave-in occurred, leading to the collapse of the wall.
Well-wishers rushed to her rescue and took her to Kapelula Health Centre, where she was pronounced dead upon arrival. A postmortem conducted at the same health center revealed that the cause of death was suffocation.
This incident occurred barely a month after a 45-year-old man named Godfrey Chirombo also died in August while gold mining in the same district.
Cecilia Nkhoma hailed from Kambavi village in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority Kapichira in Kasungu district.
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