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Why men will always cheat on you

This is probably the perfect case of a man marrying a Kim Kardashian and still cheating on her with a Jessica Alba. Has it ever crossed your mind why men will always cheat on you?

Dear loyal wife, it is time I demystify this old puzzle for you; why men cheat. Right now, put aside all the the misguided advices offered to you by your noisy girlfriends on how to keep your man and listen to what I have to say.

1. The forbidden fruit

I am sure every city dweller in Kenya has come across those Kanjos warnings written in bold letters on public walls, “Usikojoe Hapa”, yet some random guys will always just come right there, despite the warning, to ease themselves. Such people even have the audacity to stare at those writings while at it.

This rather explains, the temptations that comes with eating the forbidden fruit. So girl, before you tag along a bevy of beautiful girls as your close circle of friends, just know that your desperate attempts of preventing your man from “eating” one of them will fail terribly.

2. Need to taste variety

The greatest explorers of all time are men, from Neil Armstrong, to Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo to Bartolomeu Dias, the list is endless. Rarely do you hear of women who were great explorers.

Don’t hurt your pretty head trying to think so hard, to give me a name of one. What I am trying to say in simple terms is: Most men are always tempted to try out new things, and this include women.

You might have the prettiest face, but you lack that hour-glass shape of Corazon Kwamboka or have the best anterior, but your posterior is lacking. This puts most men in a tricky situation, as they try to get what they don’t have. Needless to say, “Man cannot live on bread alone”

3. No friendship with a Lady

Ever heard of the phrase, “She is just my friend“. Gal, never believe that lie. A man having a gal for a friend is like keeping a chicken for a pet. He will eat it one day. So in whatever you do, don’t let your man keep that beautiful girl he refers to as his best friend, because now I am sure you know how it will end.

4. Bad-girl-good-boy syndrome

It is not only good girls that are attracted to ‘bad-boys’, the reverse is also true. Just like dating, your marriage should be full of excitements too.

Treat him like your boyfriend, surprise him everyday, not with the food only, but with everything. Its okay to be the perfect innocent lady in public, but back in the bedroom, be his whore.

Do for him crazy stuff that will keep his desire burning with rage. Trust me, such a man will always be loyal to you.

5. Finally, let boys be boys

Do not cage him, let him go out and have some fun with his pals. Let them gossip about the girls, drink beer over sizzling nyama choma, and watch EPL.

At the end of it all, he will be exhausted, and come back to you in the house, looking forward to a fresh new week.

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