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How to manage constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is a common pregnancy symptom that many women experience.

It’s so common that I know about 3 women that don’t want to get married for fear of suffering from this condition, among other things.

Constipation occurs when stools become difficult to pass or bowel movements slow down than usual resulting in infrequent emptying of the bowels which cause straining while passing stool. Constipated people may feel bloated due crushing pressure from distended bowel loops against other organs compressing blood vessels; this causes abdominal pain/discomfort.

It’s not as bad as it sounds (since it’s not a fatal condition.) But for those who have never had to manage constipation before, here are a few tips.

1. Drink lots of water:

It is important for pregnant women to drink plenty of fluids in order to stay hydrated and avoid constipation. Staying hydrated will also help keep the baby healthy. Women should aim to drink about eight glasses of water per day, in addition to other fluids like juice or milk.

2. Spice up your diet with high-fiber foods:

Eating high-fiber foods is another way to prevent and manage constipation. These foods help make stool soft and easy to pass. Some good high-fiber foods to eat during pregnancy include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

3. Engage in exercises:

Performing exercises is a great way to stay active and combat constipation. Exercising also helps improve digestion by promoting blood flow throughout the body. Additionally, exercising increases oxygen intake which can help keep stools soft and easy to pass.

4. Start taking probiotics:

A safe and effective way to manage constipation during pregnancy is by taking probiotics. Probiotics are living microorganisms that help keep the gut healthy and moving regularly by restoring the natural balance of good and bad bacteria. Probiotics can be found in supplement form or in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and kimchi.

5. Use a stool softener:

If all of the above methods do not work, then using a stool softener may be necessary. A stool softener is a medication that helps make stools softer and easier to pass. There are many different types of stool softeners available over-the-counter or by prescription. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in using a stool softener to manage constipation during pregnancy.

If you are experiencing constipation during pregnancy, try implementing these tips to help get relief. If the symptoms persist or worsen, please consult with your doctor for further advice.

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