SOUTH AFRICA – Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, leader of Enlightened Christian Gathering Church and his wife Mary Bushiri risk having their property seized.

According to City Press, detectives filed a preservation order seeking to seize assets pending the finalisation of the couple’s criminal case.

Sources close to developments claimed an application for permission to seize the Bushiris’ homes, cars and private jet had already been filed.

The couple boast a fleet of luxury cars including a Mercedes G63, Maserati, Rolls-Royce and other luxury vehicles. The preservation order is expected to be granted after a week and will ensure the couple is unable to access their possessions.

According to another source, the process is crucial in order to bar Bushiri from selling his assets not only to fund legal bills, but to also try hiding them from the state.

With criminal activity dating all the way back to 2015, they also stand accused of contravening exchange control regulations when they used US Dollars to pay for Bushiri’s Gulfstream jet.

According to the affidavit, Mary bought the jet from National Airways Corporation in November 2015.

The jet is used to fly the couple between South Africa and their country of origin, Malawi.

According to City Press, Mary had traveled to the Joburg offices of the aviation company with a bag filled with cash.

Source : City Press

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