Finally the body of Helen Singh, founder of the United Independent Party (UIP) has today been cremated at Limbe Sikh temple as per her wish and the ashes would be put in a grave.

In the morning, thousands of Malawians gathered at government officials, politicians, international dignitaries, religious leaders and traditional leaders have since described the death of the UIP president as a great loss for Malawians and the Nation at large.

In his eulogy, Asante Masache who represented UIP and Singh Investments said the late Singh was not only a leader but also a mother who touched souls of many people throughout her political and spiritual life.

“Spiritually, the late Singh touched many souls of people and she used her developmental projects that offer education, health and business to alleviate the suffering of women and youths so that they fully realize their dreams.

“Politically, she was a leader who always strived for mindset change to empower Malawians economically. She was doing this by offering loans to women to start small scale-businesses as well as engaged them in business literacy programmes,” he said.

Delivering his eulogy, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Regional Governor for the Southern Region, Charles Mchacha who represented President Peter Mutharika said the Malawi leader is saddened with the death of Singh but has called on Malawians to emulate her life.

Taking his turn, leader of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Dr Lazarous Chakwera said Singh demonstrated the spirit of excellence as a woman of God and also as a Political leader who took her endeavors to a greater height.

On their part, the two sons of the late Singh, Dave and Sam said the death of their mother marks the celebration of her wonderful life as she has left a legacy that will be remembered forever.

Singh joined politics in 2009 where she contested for a Parliamentary seat in Ntcheu Bwanje Constituency and in 2014 for the presidential seat under the United Independence Party (UIP).

Spiritually, the late Singh was the founder of the Worship Centre in the city of Blantyre where people from different denominations gather and pray every lunch hour and weekends.

She hailed from Ntcheu in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kwataine and she is survived by two children and grandchildren.

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