Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Blantyre City Heist

Sat, 18 May 2024 14:00:00 UTC @ Robin's Park - Madness Entertaiment Presents Blantyre City Heist on 18th May 2024. The event will take place ar Robin's Park in Blantyre and Charisma is the main act. There will be also other performi... More Info
Saturday Night Live With Driemo

Sat, 18 May 2024 20:00:00 UTC @ Mibawa Multipurpose Hall - Mibawa Tv and WSBET presents "Saturday night live with Driemo" on 18th May 2024 at Mibawa Multipurpose Hall in Blantyre. The event will have music performances by Driemo along side The... More Info

4 Reasons Why Some Women Have Saggy Breast And Ways To Prevent It

Saggy breast is one of the numerous changes that women undergo as they gradually age.

Although it has no medical or health disadvantages, many women dislike it.

As a woman, you need to know that your breast may undergo a series of transformations as you age and these changes are also affected by so many other factors which medical experts have identified.

Reasons why saggy breast may develop

According to, the saggy breast is also triggered by so many factors which affect the breast directly or indirectly. They disclosed through reasons why saggy breast develops and the false reasons you should debunk.

It is also important to know that Saggy breast occurs when a special ligament (ligament of Cooper) that holds the breast firmly to the chest begins to stretch over time. This makes this ligament less firm and the breast begins to sag.

Below are 4 reasons (causes) for saggy breast

1. Aging

Aging is a constant process that affects every living human being. When a woman age, the organs, tissues, and cells in her body also ages. Therefore, the cells that form the ligament of Cooper (that holds the breast firmly to the chest) are also old and become looser. This is why old women tend to have pendulous breasts.

2. Collagen deficiency and estrogen deficiency 

Collagen fiber is a special content of different types of connective tissues in the body. It is one of the contents that form the important ligament of the cooper that holds the breast tightly. Due to some medical conditions, the amount of collagen in the body diminishes. This affects the amount in the breast and that may lead to the saggy breast.

Also decrease in estrogen, a female sex hormone responsible for the development of women’s secondary features, can lead to the saggy breast. Estrogen levels usually decrease after menopause.

3. Large breast size and large body mass index 

A large body mass index (BMI) is seen in overweight women. Most Overweight women have large breast sizes. This usually puts pressure on the ligaments of Cooper that hold the breast firmly to the chest. Therefore may become loose faster due to increased stretching. This ultimately results in sagging of the breast.

4. Multiple pregnancies

Although breastfeeding does not cause saggy breasts, the saggy breast can be caused by multiple pregnancies. During each pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes which cause expansion of the lactiferous (milk) duct. Therefore in cases of multiple, there is a series of expansion and shrinking of the milk duct which affects the firmness of the breast. The ligaments of Cooper may become loose and result in a saggy breast.

Easy ways to prevent it

According to, below are some of the methods you can take to reduce the risk of the saggy breast:

1. Manage a healthy weight

this doesn’t mean you should necessarily lose weight. You just need to ensure that your weight is consistent. This prevents unnecessary pressure on your breast and ensures that it stays firm

2. Make use of a well-fitting and comfortable bra during exercise 

During motion exercise, ensure that you wear a fitting bra that reduces the movement of the bra. Various research shows that constant motion of the breast during exercise increases the risk of saggy breasts. Also, avoid wearing the wrong bra size which might put unnecessary pressure on your breast.

3. Avoid smoking

When smoke enters the body they destroy elastin, a special protein that slows the aging process. When this happens, the body ages faster, including the breast ligament. This may increase the risk of saggy breasts. Therefore, avoid cigarettes and other smokables and add extra protection.

4. Carefully consider pregnancy

As already mentioned before, multiple pregnancies can lead to the saggy breast. Having this in mind, you need to consider how frequently you get pregnant. Talk to your spouse to plan your intimate life. A doctor can also help out in this regard.

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Flora Mitumba
Flora Mitumba


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