Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) has trashed concerns raised by some quarters in the country that national wide strike by teachers will negatively affect the administering of this year’s Primary School Leaving Certificate (PSLCE) examinations scheduled to start on Wednesday next week.

Last week government through Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) summoned teachers’ representative to a round table to resolve the challenges raised by the teachers in a statement issued on April 19, 2016.

But the discussion flopped and teachers threatened to go on with a national wide strike scheduled to start on Monday, May 9 2016.

The strike has instilled fear among Malawians with others expressing fear that the strike will affect PSLCE examinations.

Reacting to the claims, TUM General Secretary Denis Kalekeni said the exams will go on smoothly.

He said the strike has nothing to do with the administration of examinations by Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) in the country.

TUM wants to hold the strike due to the fact that government is failing to promote and adjust salary of teachers.

The other thing is failure by MoEST to pay leave grants to public secondary school teachers for the 2015/16.

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