LILONGWE  (Malawi Democrat) -Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika’s July 20 planned lecture has been trashed by the opposition as a “road show” event which will not solve the country’s problems.

“If this is meant to get people’s views, then that is not done through a public lecture. What is the benefit to attend such an event when we know we would be lectured upon? What it means is that we are going there to listen to the President,” observed UDF acting president Friday Jumbe, as quoted by The Nation.

Said Jumbe: “This is just a road show. At such a gathering, with the police, NIB and even Youth Cadets present, I don’t expect to see anybody rising up on a point of order asking a question to the President. This is a non-starter.”

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president and leader of opposition in parliament John Tembo also told a local radio, Capital FM that the lecturer will be “empty”.

Tembo said Wa Mutharika will be recycling same old rhetoric and excuses on the fuel and forex problems.

Leader of Opposition said the President should acknowledge summons to appear before Parliament to answer questions and not addressing issues through public lectures.

People’s Transformation Party (Petra) president Kamuzu Chibambo laughed off the whole event, arguing lectures are not what Malawians are looking for at this time when the country is faced with serious problems.

JUMBE: Road show


“What would that lecture do regarding the fuel and forex shortages?  And what would it do regarding the exorbitant prices of passports and vehicle number plates?”

According to Office of President and Cabinet, the lecture is meant to let Malawians know the country’s achievements and future.

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