Two of the three inmates who escaped from Zomba maximum security prison in eastern Malawi on Sunday night during clashes with security personnel handed themselves back on Tuesday.

The two escaped as they protested against the pardoning of two inmates convicted of murder and rape despite that such offenders are not supposed to be considered for parole.

During the clashes one inmate was shot dead while 20 inmates were and injured and some were admitted in Ward 11 at Zomba Central Hospital.

A impeccable source within the prison said the two inmates had been hiding underneath a sink within the prison walls since Sunday night.

“This morning (Tuesday) the two came out from a big hole under the sink where they had been hiding since Sunday. But upon handing themselves in the authorities have severely beaten them,” said the source.

“Now the situation is hell. All the inmates have been locked up in their cells this morning. Authorities have also confiscated all radio sets, and sharp objects in cells. The prisoners were also stripped naked and extensively searched in the anus and mouth,” said the source.

There were no immediate official comment from prison authorities who have tried to put the matter under wraps since the protests broke out last Sunday.

But the ruling People’s Party has blamed officials entrusted with selecting prisoners to be considered for parole for including the two inmates – a murderer and a rapist.

Speaking in Lilongwe, PP spokesperson Stephen Mwenye said the inclusion of the two capital offenders was unfortunate and aimed at tarnishing the good image of the President.

Mwenye said what has happened is a vindication of advice from the clergy on 6th July prayers that some people would like to derail the good thinking of the president.

However, when President Joyce Banda announced the pardoning of 377 inmates last week, she said she had scrutinized all the names and objected to eleven prisoners.

“…of the names I received I have turned back 11 because they were charged with defilement. I hear one of them has a bad liver but he must wait there we will bury him when time comes because this is a serious matter,” said President Banda

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