If Ministers of Finance were to be popularly elected and voting took place today, Mzimba North Member of Parliament Goodall Gondwe would win by a comfortable 40.47 percent, an opinion poll conducted by The Business Times has showed.

With rumours still making rounds about a looming cabinet reshuffle by President Joyce Banda, The Business Times on Monday and Tuesday this week conducted an snap survey using Facebook and Twitter, asking people who they would prefer to be the next Minister of Finance.

Out of the 210 respondents to the survey, the majority — 85 in number, have chosen Gondwe, followed by Press Corporation Limited Chief Executive Matthews Chikaonda who got 60 votes or 28.57 percent while MCP President John Tembo came third with 10 votes or 4.7 percent.

“We want Goodall Gondwe to bring the economy back to life,” said one respondent, a view that was shared and liked by many who selected the former International Monetary Fund (IMF) economist for the post.

Some of those who chose Chikaonda cited his ‘impressive’ ideas on the economy as well as his experience in government and corporate finance while those who were for Tembo remembered his achievements as a key politician during the MCP era.

“He brought into the country significant investments such as Carlsberg,” said one respondent on Tembo.

The current Minister of Finance Ken Lipenga got five votes – the same number of ballots received by DPP President Peter Mutharika, Kasungu Central MP Ken Kandodo and Minister of Industry and Trade John Bande.

First Gentleman Richard Banda, former Minister of Sports Moses Dossi, former Minister of Information Patricia Kaliati, former Presidential Spokesperson Hetherwick Ntaba and current Minister of Gender Anita Kalinde also featured in the responses, each receiving a vote.

Thirty five votes were null and void as they were clearly meant for jokes, mentioning people in local and international music and sports fields.

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