In the village Makata in Malawi get orphans and vulnerable children practical vocational training offered. Because the vocational training offered in boarding, this increased the likelihood that students complete the program. 

Technical training ensure that disadvantaged students are better prepared for their future in order to improve the living and learning conditions at the boarding some adjustments are urgently needed. There is a need for a permanent irrigation system for agricultural activities that the students grow their own food. There will also be built a multi-purpose hall and a solar panel to be installed. It will also be a rector home built.

A large part of the construction work is carried out lessons by the students during their professional education. The school has already collected an amount. But there is much more needed. Through this project improving the living and learning conditions for 160 disadvantaged pupils.

This has a positive effect on the lives of 640 families in the area of the school.Helps you to these children a good vocational training and to increase their chance for a better future? You can give through the donate form right on the page. Warmly for your contribution to this project.


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